Community art website for pixel artists to share their work and connect with other artists, as well as many other free web based tools.
Custom display for viewing user-submitted pixel art without typical browser distortion.
User signup/login with 5 different OAuth providers.
Submission form with image upload and form validation.
Web based tool for processing uploaded images to reduce file size and remove metadata.
Customizable profiles with avatars, bios, and social links, and a feed of latest submissions.
Queue of submitted content where moderators can approve or reject submissions.
Custom front-end for a an eCommerse shop built on the Shopify API.
Search bar with filters for filtering through user-submitted content.
A productivity app where users can create a daily schedule and it tracks their progress and current task. Created as a static site with React using Vite as a build tool and deployed to Netlify. Also packaged as a desktop app for Windows using Electron.
Progress is displayed as a single bar in a clean interface.
User can adjust settings in the sidebar to control their schedule and preferences
A single-page static site created with a custom node.js build process, deployed to Netlify. Features an gallery, bio, and contact form.
A simple single-page biography and gallery of images.
Contact form integrated with Netlify forms to deliver messages to the artist.
A web-based tool for artists to study the shading of simple 3D shapes. The site is a static and hosted on Netlify, and uses Gulp to build.
The homepage features an array of presets for useres to get started quickly. Puppeteer is used upon built to load each preset and render the thumbnail images.
After clicking a preset it is loaded in the model viewer (Three.js), where the user can adjust all the settings.